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When is the token emission?

Changes in MXD Token Emission

We've updated the way the MXD token is emitted to better serve our hodlers. These changes will significantly accelerate the emission of the MXD token, potentially by several hundred times.

How it worked before and how it works now?

MXD token emission criteria
Before: The emission of the MXD token required that the 30-day revenue from monthly subscriptions exceeded the value of all MXD tokens in circulation.
Now: To enable the emission of the MXD token, the liquidity pool's value must be higher than the value of all MXD tokens in circulation.

New Emission Process

Action Plan
Start collecting funds from subscriptions in the 9th funding round. These funds will be allocated for buyback and creating a Liquidity Pool on PancakeSwap and UniSwap.
Launch of the liquidity pool when its value exceeds the value of all MXD tokens in circulation.
Upon reaching this threshold, a smart contract will be initiated, opening up the possibility of trading MXD tokens on decentralized exchanges.

Numerical Examples

16th funding round: reservation of 35,088,288 MXD 
MXD price in the 16th round: 0.102 USD
Pool value required to launch the smart contract: 3,582,781 USD

Benefits of the changes:
Faster token emission: Changing the rules allows for much faster emission of the MXD token, which can affect its liquidity and availability in the market.
Increased investor interest: A simpler and more direct emission mechanism may attract more investors.

When will the MXD token smart contract be available?

The MXD token smart contract will be activated, and tokens will be available for trading when the liquidity pool's value exceeds the value of all MXD tokens in circulation.

Convenience for users: The ability to pay with MXD tokens for platform tools will be available before the launch of the smart contract, providing users with additional flexibility and opportunities to use the tokens.

Updated on: 11/11/2023

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