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Lifetime + Tokenomy

Lifetime Access at

Great news for lifetime access holders**: for the fifth time, we've reduced the maximum number of MXD tokens. The number of tokens has been decreased by a total of 96% compared to the initially planned amount, which increases its competitiveness (the first reduction in supply occurred in 2022 by 90%, the second in Q3 2023 by 20%, the third in Q4 2023 by 20%, the fourth in Q1 2024 by 10%, and the fifth in Q2 2024 by 30%)."

Lifetime access at provides unlimited time to use the platform's tools, available until they cease to exist. It’s important to note that in subsequent rounds, the number of Lifetime accesses decreases, and their price increases.

Long-term access: One purchase, use for years.
MXD token allocation: Lifetime access ensures allocation of MXD tokens, which are crucial in the ecosystem.
Exclusive opportunities: The highest level of access to neural networks is available for Tier 3 Lifetime users (minimum 106,000 MXD).


MXD tokens are not an investment, but a utility tool, enabling:
- lifetime access
- payments for features
- rewards for staking
- DAO voting
- higher affiliate level

Number and costs of lifetime in this round

Lifetime accessTier 1Tier 2Tier 3
Buying lifetime, you gain allocation for this number of tokens8,000 MXD30,667 MXD106,000 MXD
Current cost of lifetime access$360$1,380$4,771
Round 9: Remaining accesses in this round no more than1293410

With each round, the number of lifetime accesses decreases, and the price increases

Max Supply: 33 324 464 MXD 
Network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC) bep20 / Ethereum (ETH) erc20 / Polygon

Current round: 10
Funded: 27%
Remaining: 49,519 USD

Current MXD price: $0.045
Price increase every round: +14.4%

Price of Accesses Increases with Each Round

RoundPrice for Lifetime Tier 3 (106,000 MXD)Number of Tier 3 Lifetime Accesses

MXD Token Liquidity Pool

~20% of funds from subscriptions are accumulated to create a Liquidity Pool on PancakeSwap / UniSwap platforms. Once the value of this pool exceeds the total value of all circulating MXD tokens, the liquidity pool will be activated. The purpose of the liquidity pool is to ensure an "unsinkable price base" for MXD tokens.

Ensuring Price Stability

Creating a Liquidity Pool is critical to provide MXD tokens with an "unsinkable price base". This strategic move aims to:

Price Stabilization: The liquidity pool acts as a buffer stabilizing the price of the MXD token, minimizing potential extreme fluctuations caused by large buy or sell orders.

Increased Liquidity: Ensuring greater market liquidity allows users to exchange MXD tokens more easily without significantly impacting their price. Higher liquidity also attracts new investors, which can lead to an increase in the token's value.

Building Trust: A stable and predictable price base adds credibility and attractiveness to MXD as an investment and utility token, supporting long-term development and adoption.

Support for New Investors: Maintaining competitive yet stable prices for MXD tokens encourages new investors to enter the market, contributing to further development of the ecosystem.

Previous Token Supply

RoundMXD PriceSupply in Round
10.005 USD320 000 MXD
20.009 USD640 000 MXD
30.018 USD1 166 719 MXD
40.023 USD1 536 835 MXD
50.027 USD2 008 111 MXD
60.029 USD2 561 641 MXD
70.0317 USD2 946 972 MXD
80.0344 USD2,968,515 MXD
90.0393 USD2,162,239 MXD

Future Token Supply

RoundMXD PriceSupply in Round
100.0450 USD1 407 067 MXD
110.0515 USD1 376 308 MXD
120.0590 USD1 341 185 MXD
130.0675 USD1 309 017 MXD
140.0773 USD1 263 800 MXD
150.0884 USD1 212 886 MXD
160.1021 USD1 155 913 MXD
170.1191 USD1 092 614 MXD
180.1404 USD1 022 872 MXD
190.1672 USD946 780 MXD
200.2010 USD864 705 MXD
210.2442 USD777 362 MXD
220.2995 USD685 877 MXD
230.3710 USD591 840 MXD
240.4639 USD497 311 MXD
250.5857 USD404 784 MXD
260.7466 USD317 059 MXD
270.9605 USD237 023 MXD
281.2473 USD167 334 MXD
291.6346 USD110 031 MXD
302.1619 USD66 147 MXD
312.8851 USD35 421 MXD
323.8849 USD16 259 MXD
335.2777 USD6 015 MXD
347.2332 USD1 602 MXD
3510.000 USD233 MXD

Staking of Tokens

Individuals who, after the launch of the liquidity pool, will buy tokens from the market for lifetime access, will lock them (staking) for a minimum period of 7 years. As an incentive for staking, rewards will be allocated. The final staking period is subject to change and will become final only after the publication of the smart contract.


For those wishing to use more than the standard resources, additional payments are possible for the following functionalities:

trading bots
neural networks
computing power
AI analysis

Withdrawal of MXD Tokens

Lifetime plan holders will be able to withdraw their MXD tokens through their user profile, when the value of the liquidity pool exceeds the total value of MXD tokens in circulation. Learn more


Assuming that surpasses the functions of both above platforms, potential users who would like their purchase of Tier 3 lifetime to pay off after 3 years, could pay three times the annual cost of access to Bloomberg Terminal and Glassnode, which amounts to 100,764 USD.
If Tier 3 also offered access to effective neural networks, then the valuation could be higher.

Glassnode9,588 USD / year
Bloomberg Terminal25,000 USD / year
MaxData.app100,000 USD / lifetime (possible cost)

Get lifetime access here

Check also:


Updated on: 11/05/2024

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