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BuyTheDip #BTD

BuyTheDip Bot / BTD / Flash Crash Application

Buy the Dip is an application for buying during market dips.

Its purpose is to acquire sudden and significant drops, known as flash crashes, or dips among many altcoins simultaneously.

The application allows for the creation of custom automated trading bots to simultaneously track multiple altcoins and buy them during sudden drops.

The application enables easy programming of your own buying and selling strategies or copying from ready-made strategies.

Currently, the application offers the option to connect strategies to the spot market on the Binance exchange.

To use the bot, you need to have a sufficient amount of USDT available in your Binance trading account.

BTD Discussion Group / Buy the Dip Telegram Access / BTD Chat Links / Users exchange strategies and experiences

Instructions for connecting to BTD Telegram

Connect Telegram in your user profile.
Click the "Telegram Links" button.
Buy the Dip helper should send you invitations to BTD Telegram channels.

YouTube channel with Buy the Dip feature descriptions

Due to the fact that BTD is an independent application in the marketplace section, access to it is acquired independently of the accesses on also has an independent registration system.
Idea and Sponsor: Cryptocurrencies Early Signals

How to connect a bot to an exchange?
Instructions for connecting a bot to an exchange can be found at this link

What to do if the balance is not displayed correctly?
Check if you didn't accidentally double-click the 'save' button in the API keys entry section in Buy the Dip. Also, ensure that you have enabled trading permission in the API settings, as per the instructions (see figure 6 in the instructions).

Which strategy to choose at the beginning?
Initially, you can activate the first four ready-made strategies. For hodlers, the fifth one can optionally be enabled too. Up to six strategies can be run simultaneously.

How many strategies can be run at the same time?
Running up to six strategies simultaneously is possible.

How to set the amount for a strategy?
For each strategy, the recommended amount of capital for a single purchase, not for the entire strategy, is indicated in parentheses. The amounts are distributed so that they complement each other.

What to do when the logs show a lack of balance?
In such a case, report the problem and temporarily stop and then resume the strategy to restore its operation. We are working on automating this.

I've had active strategies for several days and no purchase has been recorded. Is something wrong?
Check if the strategies are functioning by clicking on their section and reviewing the LOGS (bot logs). The latest entries in the logs should be up-to-date, with the date and time. If everything is fine, you just need to wait. BUY the DIP searches for opportunities that may arise with varying frequency.

I want the program to make purchases daily and generate daily profits. How do I set up the strategies?
BUY the DIP focuses on efficiency, which requires suitable market conditions. Therefore, setting too low percentages for price drops is not recommended, as it may lead to opposite effects than expected, making BUY the DIP similar to average bots. However, if you want the program to make purchases more frequently, you can try reducing the Percentage Buy Threshold and the Pump Detection Threshold - but this may be riskier.

Can I purchase a lifetime license at the old, lower price if I have a monthly or quarterly subscription?
Yes, if your subscription is continuously ongoing, you qualify for lower prices.

What is the minimum capital needed per position in trading bots? What balance in the spot wallet do I need to leave for the bot to operate?
The minimum amount per position is $20 USD. However, it is recommended to have a minimum equivalent of $100 USD in your exchange account for smooth automation operation.

How much capital should I trade with to make the subscription worthwhile?
The amount of capital needed to make the subscription worthwhile depends on its cost and the time frame in which you want to recoup your expenses. For example, if the subscription cost is $50 USD and your initial capital is $500 USD, the automations must generate over 10% profit monthly to recoup the subscription cost. Proportionally, the larger the initial capital, the lower the percentage profit required. These values should be treated as guidelines, and actual results will depend on the user's trading skills and strategy.

Do I need to separate my assets by connecting the BuyTheDip application to my account?
No, you don't have to. You just need to have the appropriate amount of funds in your USDT or BTC spot account, depending on your preferred currency.

Will it be possible to trade on leverage in BuyTheDip?
We do not anticipate adding leverage trading options because statistics indicate that long-term trading on futures markets is unprofitable, and most traders lose instead of making profits. We want to maximize user profits, so we only support spot markets. Nevertheless, we do not exclude providing leverage market data to our users.

Is trading to BTC possible in BuyTheDip?
Yes, trading to BTC is possible.

Does BuyTheDip have a trial option?
No, the BuyTheDip application does not offer a trial option due to the high server maintenance costs associated with operating bots for each user. The bots conduct checks on 350 altcoin pairs every 1 second, 24/7, which generates significant costs.

If I remove a coin from the BuyTheDip application, will the bot complete its sale on the exchange?
No, the bot will not complete the sale of the coin if it is removed. However, if you add it back, the bot will sell it when the trading conditions are met.

List of BTD Features

Below is a list of Buy the Dip application features, along with descriptions of how they work and their application. Familiarize yourself with these features to fully utilize the potential of this tool.


Check Timeframe
Indicates the time frame of the drop that interests us.
This function allows the user to specify the time interval within which a drop of the specified percentage must occur. Various settings are possible, such as 1 minute, 30 minutes, etc. In practice, if the user wants to monitor the market at 1-minute intervals, they enter 1. If they want to observe the market at 30-minute intervals, they enter 30.
For example, if a user wants to monitor the price drop of altcoins over 5 minutes, they should set "Check Timeframe" to 5. If an altcoin drops within less than 5 minutes by the specified percentage, it will be purchased.

Percentage Buy Threshold
By what percentage the altcoin of interest should drop relative to the selected time.
This function allows the user to specify the magnitude of the altcoin drop they are looking for concerning the designated time. This indicator is determined in relation to the chosen time frame (defined in "Check Timeframe"). Generally, the longer the time period, the greater the chance of catching a drop, but the main aim of the application is to catch short-term drops that rebound quickly.
If a user wants to buy an altcoin only when its price drops by more than 5% during the selected time period, they should set "Percentage Buy Threshold" to 5.

Max Allowed USD on Orders
The maximum trading volume the application can execute.
This function allows the user to specify the maximum trading amount that the application can spend on purchasing altcoins. Once this limit is exceeded, the application stops making new purchases, which helps control risk and manage capital.
Application example: If a user wants the application not to trade with more than $1000 (buying and selling combined) on altcoin purchases, they should set "Max Allowed USD on Orders" to 1000.

Add to Limit Order
A safeguard ensuring that a purchase/sale won't be made if the price is higher/lower by the specified percentage.
This function acts as a safeguard for the user, ensuring that the purchase price does not exceed a set percentage above the market price, and the selling price does not fall below a set percentage below the market price. In practice, the application buys and sells at market price, but this safeguard protects against extreme price fluctuations. It is recommended to keep the default setting at 2%.
If a user wants to ensure that the purchase price does not exceed 2% above the market price, and the selling price does not fall below 2% below the market price, they should set "Add to Limit Order" to 2%.


Sell Enabled
Regular sale, at what profit percentage the position should be sold.
This feature allows the user to specify the percentage profit at which the position should be sold. It's a straightforward selling method that doesn't take into account other factors such as market volatility or price trends.
If the user wants to sell an altcoin after achieving a 10% profit, they should set "Sell Enabled" to 10%.

Sell By Trailing Enabled
Trailing stop loss that automatically raises the stop loss level after a profit is reached.
This feature allows for the automatic adjustment of the stop loss level based on the current market value of the altcoin. The principle is to raise the stop loss level as the altcoin's price increases, thus securing profits in the event of a sudden price drop.
If the altcoin's price is rising, "Sell By Trailing Enabled" will automatically raise the stop loss level, protecting the user's profits from a sudden price decrease.

Trailing Stop Price
At what percentage increase should the stop loss be raised.
This feature allows the user to determine at what percentage increase the stop loss should be raised. It's a part of the "Sell By Trailing Enabled" function and operates by automatically securing profits as the altcoin's price rises.
If the user wants the stop loss to be raised after a 5% profit is achieved, they should set "Trailing Stop Price" to 5%.

Trailing Stop Margin
How far below the current price should the stop loss be set after a profit is achieved.
This feature allows the user to specify how far below the current market price the stop loss should be set after achieving the specified profit. It's a percentage that determines how far below the current price of the altcoin the stop loss should be placed. It's recommended to set this margin to a minimum of 0.5%.
If the user wants the stop loss to be set 1% below the current market price after achieving the specified profit, they should set "Trailing Stop Margin" to 1%.

Trailing Stop Time In Min
An option that delays setting the trailing stop.
This feature determines the waiting time before setting the trailing stop. It means that if the altcoin's price reaches the level specified in the "Trailing Stop Price," the stop loss will not be immediately raised. Instead, the application will wait for a specified amount of time, and if the price remains above the "Trailing Stop Price," it will then raise the stop loss.
If the user wants the application to wait for 5 minutes before raising the stop loss after reaching the price specified in the "Trailing Stop Price," they should set "Trailing Stop Time In Min" to 5.

Stop Loss Enabled
Activation of the stop loss feature.
This feature allows the user to activate the stop loss mechanism, which automatically sells the altcoin when its price falls below a specified level. It is a crucial risk management tool that helps minimize losses during cryptocurrency trading.
If the user wants to protect against significant losses, they should enable the "Stop Loss Enabled" feature.

Stop Loss Threshold
The percentage below the purchase price at which the stop loss should be activated.
This feature allows the user to set a percentage threshold at which the stop loss is triggered. In other words, if the altcoin's price drops by a specified percentage below the purchase price, the altcoin will be automatically sold.
If the user wants the stop loss to be activated when the altcoin's price drops by 5% below the purchase price, they should set "Stop Loss Threshold" to 5%.

Stop Loss Delay Time In Min
An option that delays setting the stop loss.
This feature allows for a delay in the activation of the stop loss. It means that if the altcoin's price reaches the stop loss threshold, the stop loss will not be immediately activated. Instead, the application will wait for a specified amount of time, and if the price continues to remain below the stop loss threshold, it will then sell the altcoin. This is useful during larger, more significant price drops or flash crashes as it prevents the stop loss from being triggered too quickly.
If the user wants the application to wait for 10 minutes before activating the stop loss after reaching the stop loss threshold, they should set "Stop Loss Delay Time In Min" to 10.


Max Open order per coin
How many of the same altcoin can we have open at once?
This feature allows the user to set the maximum number of open orders for a specific altcoin. This means that the application will not buy more than the specified amount of the same altcoin simultaneously.
If the user wants to have a maximum of 3 orders open for one altcoin at the same time, they should set "Max Open order per coin" to 3.

Next Buy Delay In Min
How long after buying an altcoin can it be purchased again?
This feature allows the user to specify the amount of time the application should wait before making another purchase of the same altcoin. This means that after buying an altcoin, the application will wait for a specified amount of time before deciding to make another purchase of the same altcoin.
If the user wants the application to wait 15 minutes before making another purchase of the same altcoin, they should set "Next Buy Delay In Min" to 15.

Next Buy If Price Lower By
How much % below the previous purchase can the same altcoin be bought if a certain time has passed in "Next Buy Delay In Min"?
This feature allows the user to determine by what percentage the price of the altcoin must drop in relation to the previous purchase for the application to make another purchase. This is a rule that helps avoid too frequent purchases of the same altcoin during sudden declines.
If the user wants the application to make another purchase of the same altcoin only if its price drops by 5% compared to the previous purchase price, they should set "Next Buy If Price Lower By" to 5%.

Money Management
Managing capital based on a series of profitable and losing positions.
This feature allows the user to manage their capital in a way that decreases the investment value after a series of profitable positions and increases it after a series of losing positions. This helps balance the risk and potential profits during trading.
If the user wants the next purchase to be 50% lower after 5 profitable positions and 100% higher after two losing positions, they should configure the "Money Management" feature accordingly.

Pump Detection
Proprietary protection feature against buying during price surges.
This feature safeguards the user from purchasing altcoins during rapid price increases. If the price of an altcoin is rising quickly, the application automatically disables the ability to buy that altcoin to avoid the risk of buying at peak prices.
If a user wishes to protect themselves from buying altcoins during sudden price surges, they should activate the "Pump Detection" feature.

Pump Detection Threshold
At what growth rate (within the timeframe specified during the purchase as the Check Timeframe) the tool disables the purchase of a specific altcoin.
This feature allows the user to specify the percentage increase in the price of an altcoin at which the application will automatically disable the purchase. This serves as protection against buying altcoins during sharp price increases.
If a user wants the application to automatically disable the purchase of an altcoin when its price increases by 10% within the specified time (Check Timeframe), they should set the "Pump Detection Threshold" to 10%.

Pump Detection Disabled Time
For how long the altcoin is disabled if it exceeds the growth rate (Pump Detection Threshold).
This feature allows the user to determine the minimum duration for which the purchase of an altcoin will be disabled if its price exceeds the value specified in the "Pump Detection Threshold." If the price continues to rise, the disabled time will extend and revert to the initial value if the price returns to the original level.
If a user wants the purchase of an altcoin to be disabled for at least 30 minutes after surpassing the specified price increase (Pump Detection Threshold), they should set the "Pump Detection Disabled Time" to 30.

Follow BTC Price
An option that disables the purchase of a specific altcoin if BTC drops by a greater value and faster than the said altcoin.
This feature is used to protect against significant market declines. If the price of Bitcoin (BTC) is declining more rapidly and by a greater value than the observed altcoin, the application automatically disables the ability to buy the altcoin.
If a user wants to protect themselves from sharp market declines, they should activate the "Follow BTC Price" feature.

Max Open Orders
The maximum number of open positions at the same time for a single trading strategy.
This feature allows the user to limit the number of simultaneously open positions for a single trading strategy. It means that the application will not open more than the specified number of orders simultaneously for one strategy. This is useful if you have multiple bots running and you don't want one bot to exhaust all your capital. With this feature, you can avoid making too many purchases on a single strategy and locking up your capital.
If the user wants to ensure that the maximum number of open positions for one strategy does not exceed 10, they should set "Max Open Orders" to 10.

Stop Loss Disable Buy
Enabling the delay and reduction of rebuying the same coin after a Stop Loss is triggered.
This feature allows for a delay and reduction in buying the same altcoin after it has been sold due to a Stop Loss trigger. This means that if the price of the altcoin drops below the set Stop Loss level, the application will wait for a specified time before repurchasing the same altcoin. This helps prevent multiple stop loss triggers during rapid price drops.
If the user wants to prevent immediate rebuying of an altcoin after it has been sold due to a Stop Loss, they should activate "Stop Loss Disable Buy."

Stop Loss Disable Buy All
An option that, after a Stop Loss trigger, disables buying all altcoins for a specified period.
This feature allows the user to disable the ability to buy all altcoins for a specified period after any altcoin has been sold due to a Stop Loss trigger. This is intended to protect against potential losses in the event of further market declines. This feature is recommended when looking to mitigate percentage-based declines.
If the user wants to disable buying all altcoins for 60 minutes after selling any altcoin due to a Stop Loss trigger, they should set "Stop Loss Disable Buy All" to 60 minutes.

Stop Loss Next Buy If Price Lower By
Indicates by what percentage below the Stop Loss sale price the application will attempt to repurchase the same altcoin.
This feature allows you to specify by how much percentage below the sale price after a Stop Loss, the application should attempt to repurchase the same altcoin. This helps protect against rapid altcoin repurchases immediately after a Stop Loss.
If the user wants the application to attempt repurchasing an altcoin at 5% below the sale price after a Stop Loss trigger, they should set "Stop Loss Next Buy If Price Lower By" to 5%.

Stop Loss No Buy Delay Time In Min
The time after a Stop Loss trigger when the application will check the price and attempt to make a purchase.
This feature allows you to set a time for the application to check the price of the altcoin and attempt to make a purchase after a Stop Loss trigger. It can also be used when the user chooses only the "Stop Loss Disable Buy All" option - in that case, it represents the time during which buying all altcoins will be disabled after activating the Stop Loss feature.
If the user wants the application to check the altcoin's price and attempt to make a purchase 30 minutes after a Stop Loss trigger, they should set "Stop Loss No Buy Delay Time In Min" to 30.

Updated on: 07/03/2024

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