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API Key #BTD / Connect Buy the Dip to Binance

Connecting API Key #BTD
How to connect an API key to the bot? How to link API to BTD? Connecting API to the bot. Connecting API to BuyTheDip. Connecting to the Binance API.

If you don't want to connect BTD but want to connect listing bots, Pro Alerts or X-GPT, click here.

The API keys you provide for order automation undergo detailed settings on the exchange. You select the option to allow only trading on the spot market, excluding withdrawal or futures trading. The risk of data and API key leakage is minimized by storing them on separate, dedicated, and specially secured servers, to which even our developers do not have access. |

YouTube Channel with Buy the Dip Feature Descriptions

Here is an example of configuring the API along with connecting it to the bot.

Log in to

If you are unable to select the "Spot/Margin Trading" option during API configuration, please go back to the beginning of the instructions and make sure all steps have been completed correctly.

Copy and save the API keys.

Log in to and access the configuration. Add the generated key to your bot on, in the Access Configuration section.

Save the changes.

Updated on: 07/03/2024

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