Articles on: Maximus
This article is also available in:


🔜 Pro Alerts - The Beta version is now available as a lifetime version.
🔜 Strategy Backtests - The Beta version is now available as a lifetime version.
🔜 Trading Bots - The Beta version is now available as a lifetime version.
🔜 Liquidation Levels
🔜 Token Unlocks
🔜 Macroeconomic Alerts
🔜 Crypto Events Calendar
🔜 Neural Network Creator
🔜 Trading AI
🔜 Decentralized Computing Power
🔜 Maximus Neural Network

Pro Alerts

Programming alerts using a broad spectrum of data:

Why are Pro Alerts so powerful?

- Immediate Response: With fast alerts, you can immediately react to key market changes.
- Advanced Analysis: Collect data from multiple sources and get notified when several events occur simultaneously.
- Customized Notifications: Set alerts according to your strategies and preferences.


Automatic analysis of on-chain events and their impact on Bitcoin's price

Why are Backtests important?

- Strategy Improvement: They allow for refinement and optimization of trading strategies.
- Understanding Risk: Provide a clear picture of potential losses and gains.

Trading Bots

Automated buying and selling, triggered via intermediaries

Benefits of using trading bots

- Time Efficiency: Bots operate 24/7, meaning you won't miss opportunities even while you sleep.
- Speed of Execution: Bots react instantly to changing market conditions.
- Removal of Emotional Factor: Automating the trading process limits the impact of emotions on investment decisions.

Neural Network

Artificial intelligence using machine learning to analyze market data

Why is AI so important?

- Technological Edge: Access to the most advanced tools in the world of cryptocurrency trading.
- Automation and Efficiency: Automating investment decisions.
- Continuous Optimization: AI systems constantly learn and evolve, ensuring ongoing improvement of trading strategies.

Also Check Out:

Deposits / Subscription / Membership
Plans (Tier)

Updated on: 12/02/2024

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