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RSI / Relative Strength Index

Relative Strength Index, RSI - This is a tool used in technical analysis in the cryptocurrency market to help assess how strong the current price trend is and whether it may change soon. The RSI is a type of oscillator that ranges from 0 to 100 and is calculated based on the moving average of prices from a selected time period, x candles back, such as the last 14 days (14d), 14 hours (14h), or 14 minutes (14m).

> If the RSI value is high, it signals that the market might be overbought and the price of the asset may be possibly too high. Conversely, when the RSI value is low, it suggests that the price might be oversold and the asset’s price could be too low.

Colors for the #RSI indicator
🔴 Selling Zone – indicates that the RSI is high
⚪️ Neutral Zone – RSI is in the medium range
🟢 Buying Zone – indicates a low RSI

Updated on: 12/11/2023

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